Kackar Mountains Trek Tour

 1.150,00 920,00

12-18 July 2025  //  2-8 August 2025  //  23-29 August 2025     |    Exploring The Black Sea’s Green Hills, Alps and Passages…

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Facility Spacious, Trekking
  • Activity Level Moderate - Difficult
  • Group Size Small Group
    8-12 pax
Kackar Mountains Trek Tour hakkında.

Kackar Mountains are the most important trekking centre of Turkey. The most beautiful trekking routes are found at this marvelous terrain between the highlands which were used for thousand years by the locals.  These highlands are connected each other inside of forest trails, high hills or passages over 3000 m. These trails were always effective on this terrain’s endless tolerance, rich culture and ethnicity. Not only the farm animals and news from other villages, at the same time folk songs, language and folk tales were passed one highland to another by these trails. On these mountains Georgians, Armenians, Lazes and Turks lived together for a long time and performed a collective cultural structure. We are going to learn and live local names of villages, folk dances and tales of this cultural treasure on our treks.

On out tour we will be on the south side of Kaçkar Mountains. Especially during the summer period green and flowered valleys, stable weather conditions are the most important differences than the other parts of these mountains.  You can find exciting mountains lakes, historical churches, living and also forgotten highland villages. We will trek through the rivers and all green forests.

Our program is advised to the trekkers who would like to walk long trails and consecutive days as much as to the ones who would like to rest between trail days. Because our comfortable pensions will give you opportunity to stay and rest any day you want. Our program has only two bases that we are going to be back after every trail.  Our dinners will be ready when we arrive and will have always time to have hot shower for refreshing.

One condition is necessary to join this program; to love nature. You will find be loved back in this tour.


Day 1: Erzurum – Tortum Waterfalls – Öşvank Church – Barhal – Check-in to the pension
Day 2: Barhal – Şabangil – Kilyon – Barhal
Day 3: Barhal – Amanesket – Naznara – Satibe – Transfer to Heveg (Yaylalar) pension
Day 4: Heveg – Aksav – Modut – Mikelis – Heveg (Yaylalar)
Day 5: Karamolla – Sulementa – Varhal – Demirdöven – Heveg (Yaylalar)
Day 6: Yaylalar – Vilizor – Meredet – Heveg (Yaylalar)
Day 7: Transfer to Erzurum


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • MONTIS Trips & Expeditions Leader & Guiding ( English Speaking )
  • All ground transfers mentioned in the program
  • All meals mentioned in the program
  • Full board accommodation at twin rooms mentioned pensions
  • All general safety equipment
  • Entrance Fees for Historical Sights and Parks
  • First aid kit
Tura Dahil Olmayan Hizmetler Neler?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Flights, ground transfers to the meeting point (Erzurum)
  • Personal equipment (Backpack, walking poles, shoes etc.)
  • Out of program demands and expenses
  • Meals which are not mentioned in the program.
Single supplement charge: 230 euro
  1. Itinerary 7 Days

    Day 1: Erzurum – Tortum Waterfalls – Öşvank Church – Barhal – Check-in to the pension

    We will meet the participants due to the flights mentioned below. After our brifing we will be on the way to Yusufeli. On the way we will visit Tortum Waterfall and Öşvank Church. For lunch and final needs we will stop at Yusufeli. Then we will continue to Barhal Village that we are going to stay for 2 days in the hearth of Kaçkar Mountains. Our dinner is at our pension.
    Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: 5 hours.
    Approx. Altitudes: Erzurum, 1853 m; Yusufeli, 696 m; Barhal, 1250 m
    Meals Included: Dinner

    Day 2: Barhal – Şabangil – Kilyon – Barhal

    After early breakfast we get prepared for our first trek. At the end of the day we will be back to our pension so we will not need to check out from the pension. We will start our trek from our pension and walk from the main road about 3 km. to a concrete bridge. Our trek starts from this point into a narrow valley and and ascent with a zig-zag pathway. We will see bear nail traces on the electric poles and will reach to a characteristic living. highland neighbourhood. Here is Şabangil. Small, clean village with lovely people. After a short break we will continue to village Kilyon; inside of the forest will be covered with pine needles and cones. Singing birds will accompany us on this peaceful trail. We will fill our water bottles from fountain of the village. Then we will descend to Barhal, our pension through an earth road. We will have time to cool down on the riverside close to our pension. Our dinner will be waiting for us.
    Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: –
    Approx. Altitudes: Barhal, 1250 m; Kilyon, 1500 m
    Approx. Trek Time: 5 hours
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch Box – Dinner

    Day 3: Barhal – Amanesket – Naznara – Satibe – Transfer to Heveg (Yaylalar) Pension

    After our breakfast we prepare our luggage to leave our pension after our trek. We will have a transfer to our final pension which will be our base to the end of our tour. Our guides will give you the briefing. We will have one hour vehicle transfer to the beginning of today’s trail through a affluent river covered around with trees and flowers. We will ascend on our trail below from peaceful Amanesket and Naznara highland villages. These villages positioned on a ridge and dominating both valleys under the summits of Altıparmak mountain region; legendary Marsis and Nebisatgur. After the ridge we will ascend to the famous secret glacier lake Karagöl. On this silent and tranquil lake side we will have our lunch. After that we will descend to the most scenic camp site of the area Satibe camp site. We will fill our water bottles from the shepard fountain coming from the highlands. Under the shadow of Nebisatgur we will have a break and continue from a forest trail to the Naznara village and will meet with our vehicle. In the afternoon we will take our luggage from our first pension and travel to our final base on Heveg (Yaylalar) village. We will have our dinner here.
    Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: 1 hour
    Approx. Altitudes: Amanesket, 2000 m; Satibe, 2700 m
    Approx. Trek Time: 6 saat
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch Box – Dinner

    Day 4: Heveg – Aksav – Modut – Mikelis – Heveg (Yaylalar)
    Today we will start our trek from our pension. After our breakfast we start our slowly ascending trail through Aksav Valley. We will ascend through the Aksav stream in green field and flowers. On our last attempt we will reach a long concave passage to the Modut highland village. This is one of the most popular and alive village in the area. From here we will descend from zig-zag car road to the skirts of Mikalis village. Then we will take a narrow path inside of the planting terraces of Mikalis until we reach to the centre of the village. Our vehicle will be waiting for us on the entrance of the village to take us to our pension. Our dinner is at our pension.

    Bu gün yürüyüşümüze yine pansiyonumuzdan başlayacağız. Enfes bir kahvaltının ardından yola koyuluyoruz. Önce Heveg’in içinden Aksav deresine doğru orman sınırında ilerleyeceğiz. Ardından çiçekler içindeki Aksav vadisi boyunca beyaz köpüklü derelerin eşliğinde yükseliyoruz. Modut Yaylasına geçmek için bir geçide tırmanıp buradan yaylaya doğru ineceğiz. Yaylada kısa bir moladan sonra bu sarp coğrafyada kurulan yaşamların çetinliğine tanıklık ederek zigzag yollar ve patikalar boyunca Mikelis Mahallesine doğru iniyoruz. Buradan bizi aracımız alacak ve kısa bir transfer ile Heveg’e çıkacağız. Bu güzel yürüyüşün ardından pansiyonlarımızın içeceklerimizi alarak nefis bir sohbete dalıyoruz.

    Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: 30 min.
    Approx. Altitudes: Heveg, 1896 m; Modut Yaylası, 2340 m
    Approx. Trek Time: 6 hours 30 min.
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch Box – Dinner

    Day 5: Karamolla – Sulementa – Varhal – Demirdöven/Zamevan – Heveg (Yaylalar)

    When you look at from patio of our pension you can see most of the part of passage that we are going to trek today. After our breakfast and a short trip with our vehicle, we will arrive our start point in Karamolla neighbourhood. We will start to ascend to the ridge of highest hill and our next 2 hour aim is to reach to the Sabahda Passage. Bulut Mountains, valleys with streams will be in our vision from this highest point. Following Sorunpiyat stream on our left, we will descent to the one of the most secret and abandoned village Sülemanta. After our lunch break will continue to descend to the stream side and will continue through a rocky path following the valley hillside, getting into the forest and arrive to living village Veknal. After Veknal having the car road short a while, your guide will enter to hidden entrance of last trail from to the road which will arrive to our final destination today; Zamevan as known as nowadays Demirdöğen village. Our vehicle will take us to our pension for dinner and to have rest.
    Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: 30 min.
    Approx. Altitudes: Karamolla, 2100 m; Sabahta Passage, 2740 m; Sulementa, 2250 m; Varhal, 1850 m; Demirdöven, 1370 m
    Approx. Trek Time: 8-9 hours
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch Box – Dinner

    Day 6: Yaylalar – Olgunlar– Dilberdüzü Camp site – Heveg (Yaylalar)

    On our last day as usual we will start the trail after breakfast. This time we will go to camp site Dilberdüzü which climbers are using from south classic route of Kaçkar Summit. We will start trekking from our pension to the last village called Olgunlar. After resupplying our water bottle, we will pass a bridge that welcomes us to the hearth of Kaçkar Summit. Along the valley and slightly ascending trail will take us to this popular camp site. There will be another colourful life here; tents, climbers, trekkers, campers at 2800 m. altitude. We can refresh ourselves in the stream coming from cold mountain lakes around. After opening our lunch boxes and having fresh tea from climber friends we will start to descend to our pension. For the last dinner we will meet at the restaurant section of our pension. Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time:
    Approx. Altitudes: Heveg, 1896 m; Dilberdüzü Camp Site, 2800 m.
    Approx. Trek Time: 6-7 hours
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch Box – Dinner

    Day 7: Transfer to Erzurum

    After a leisurely breakfast we prepare our luggage. Our flights are at the evening time so we have time to see around and historical Erzurum. We will have stops at Barhal and Yusufeli. Then we will arrive to Erzurum at lunch time over passing Tortum, we will visit Erzurum’s historical markets, Çİfte Minare, Erzurum Castle. We will be at the airport around 18.00.
    Sabah acelesiz bir kahvaltının ardından hazırlanıyoruz. Uçuşlarımız akşam saatlerinde olduğu için bölgenin ve Erzurum’un tadını çıkararak bir gün geçireceğiz. Barhal’da ve Yusufeli’nde molalarımız olacak. Ardından yine Tortum üzerinden Erzurum’a öğleden sonra varıp Erzurum’un tarihi çarşılarını, Çifte Minerayi ve Erzurum Kalesini gezdikten sonra saat 18.00’de havalimanında olacağız. Approx. Vehicle Transfer Time: 5-6 saat
    Meals Included: Breakfast

Accommodation Details

Barhal Pension: This cosy pension is at the entrance of the Barhal Village with good humored staff and delicious meals will be cooked by the owner Mustafa.

Camyuva Pension: This pension is one the iconic accomodation in Kackar which is popular by climbers and trekkers.


We have classified the necessary information for our tour.

Our tour program is planned according to the following flight options. Different flight and airline options are available. You can contact our office for different options for the program. You can buy your flight tickets from our agency. You can make your flight reservation requests by calling our ticket sales department at 0 312 44 0 05 85 or by sending an e-mail to bilet@montis.com.tr. Our agency is not responsible for any changes made by airlines.

From Ankara

Departure: VF4156 ESB-ERZ 07.50-09.10
Return: VF4159 ERZ-ESB 18.55-20.25

From Istanbul

Istanbul Airport
Departure:  TK2704 IST-ERZ 06.15-08.10
Return:  TK2709 ERZ-IST 18.55-21.15

Sabiha Gökçen Airport
Departure:  VF3204 SAW-ERZ 06.55-08.50
Return: VF3207 ERZ-SAW 21.15-23.2





Backpack: A proper day-pack for trekking which is 35-45 lt is required. Please have a rain cover for you backpack and/or have your dry bags.

Walking Boots: A pair hard sole rigid walking/trekking/backpacking boots are required. Please pick up a winter model for your comfort and health.

Spare pair of sneakers: A pair of sneakers or sport shoes will be comfortable while travelling. Especially boots may get wet at the end of the day and you can wear your trainers in the coach while travelling.

Socks: Proper trekking socks will be fine with supported heel and toes. Please consider the cold weather in winter time.

Gloves and Caps: We recommend to have a set of gloves for winter tours. ( Inner- mid layer and Shell ) .Or you can have at least and isolated mid layer gloves. You better have your fleece or woolen beanies which covers your ears too. Please grab a spare one.

Hat: We recommend to have some sun protection in 4 seasons.

Jacket: A lightweight, breathable and waterproof jacket with hoody whether a technical winter jacket or a outdoor-casual is required. A goretex or equivalent fabrics are meant.

Mid Layer: Fleece jackets with half or full zips are recommended. Sweaters are ok as better than nothing.However they are not trekker friendly as we often change cloths or ventilate.

Isolated Jackets: A lightweight and compressible down or synthetic jackets will give you more comfort while having breaks. Jackets with hoodies will be a plus.

Pants: Trekking pants are recommended with a spare one. This area is rainy you can carry shell raincover pants. Shorts are not recommended because of plants and forests.

Thermos: A stainless steel thermos bottle which is 1 lt to 2 lt will be safe and comfortable.

Water Bottles:  At least 1 lt. water bottles are recommended.

Head Lamp: As the daylight lasts shorter in winter time, we strictly recommend to have a head lamp for emergency.

Camera:  Do not miss joyful moments and/or natural beauties, keep them forever to remind you the trip with MONTIS.

Sunglasses: UV protected proper sunglasses are must every season.

Sun protection cream and Lipstick: Min. 45 factor sun protection creams and proper lipsticks are recommended.

First Aid Kit:  MONTIS Trips & Expeditions guides always carry first aid kits and they are certified as ECSII Wilderness First Aid, CPR & AED standard responder certification.

ATTENTION: We ever leave artificial remains behind other than the footprints.  Please carry a garbage pack for your own use and bring the trash back.


You can find our detailed tour difficulty levels

https://montis.com.tr/en/tour-difficulty-levels/ ‎

Overall Rating


Paket Onaylanmış Tarihler Tur Bilgisi Tur Bilgisi Fiyatlar Uçuşlar Hariç Fiyatlar Uçuşlar Dahil  
12 July 2025 - 18 July 2025
Reservation Available // Per Person in minumum 8 people group
2 August 2025 - 8 August 2025
Reservation Available // Per Person in minumum 8 people group
23 August 2025 - 29 August 2025
Reservation Available // Per Person in minumum 8 people group
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